Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Buffalo- My new friend!!

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a control freak. Since I have no control over anything that happens in Iraq, I read EVERYTHING I can about it. I read CNN, MSN, and yahoo news once a day to get up to date information on the news in Iraq. I also read information on the FRG website and the Army homepage. I spend a few hours a day reading anything and everything about Iraq that I can. Sean had told me about the Buffalo vehicle that he rides around in. He was telling me before he left and I didn't want to hear it because I was in denial. So I did a little research and it actually made me feel alot better!! One of the reasons everyone lived when Sean's truck ran over the IED was because the Buffalo is made to with stand IED's and most bullets. The Buffalo has been used in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003 and no one has ever died in one of them. So that makes me feel so much better. Below are some pictures of the Buffalo.
Here is a picture of Sean and his roommate in front of the Buffalo after it got blown's fixed and ready to go back on the road! Look at how happy they look!?
Here are some pictures of Kukuit, Iraq.

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