Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have been working 12 hours a days and I AM EXHAUSTED! It also might have something to do with only sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night. Every time I go to sleep, I wake up from bad dreams or Sean calls me. So I am running on fumes. Hopefully I won't have to work too much this weekend. I hope to stay late tomorrow night and get everything finished, so I can enjoy my 3 day weekend. Sean is doing good, but he is also exhausted. He only get 5 hours to shower, eat, call home, and sleep. I finally got around to sending him his coffee maker, so please add some coffee to his care packages. He said he hasn't gotten mail for 5 days since the sand storms have been so bad. He should have ALOT of mail to open when he finally does get it. In other news I got ACCEPTED to grad school! WOOT WOOT! I am planning to start in the fall. At least that's the plan right now. That's all for the update. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Babe! I am right with you on the exhaustion. Because Aaron and a couple other guys got blown up, we are having to do two missions a day. Crazy! I just got back and have to go out again in twenty minutes. This is out of control. Call you as soon as I can. Love and miss you!