Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Alphabet Game

Let's play the Alphabet Game! I got this from Kristen & Jill... Jill tagged me with the letter "S". So here are ten things that I love that start with....Sean, is my favorite S thing! Even when he is bothering me or does something stupid, I know I am a very lucky girl to be married to him. He is always quick to make me laugh when I am having a bad day, and their is never a day he doesn't tell me how much he loves me. Awww!
Sillyness- I love to be silly and am normally the first one to make fun of myself. I think life is too short to be so serous all the time. Laughter is definitely the best medicine! As you can see from the next few pictures

Singing- I love to sing! I often make up silly little songs all day long, just to entertain myself. If I don't say so myself, I make an excellent singer in the car and shower! HAHA I love driving a few hours in the car and screaming to the radio! I also love karaoke. Anyone who has ever listen to me know I'm awful, but it still doesn't stop me. I couldn't find a picture for this one that I liked!
Sunsets- I love watching the sunset. You can't be mad or stressed out looking at a sunset. It was one of the reasons we got married at sunset.
Summer- I love summers! I love warm weather, and there is always so much to do in the summer. I also love the summer because I go to the beach! There is nothing like a girls beach trip to make you relax. I also normally take a week off work and go on some type of vacation.

Stars- I love stars. When I was younger I use to lay on my back and stare at the starts for hours. Wishing on shooting starts and just getting lost in the wonder of it all. I actually still wish on the first star I see at night and the brightest.
Sweets- I absolutely love sweets! They are my biggest vise. I love anything sweet, but candy is my weakness. I love suckers, Carmel, chocolate, Jelly Belly's, and ring pops. Really I love almost all candy. I also love COOKIES! I have been know to go to the Cookie Company and eat 4 cookies for lunch when I have had a bad!! I LOVE SWEETS!!!
SHOES! I love shoes! The funkier the better! I love high heels! I have three huge sliding totes under my bed full of shoes. I probably have over 100 pairs!
Smooches- Smooches is my favorite word! I love it. I love to kiss. I could spend all day and night just kissing. I love the butterflies I get while kissing, there's nothing better than a kiss after being away from someone you love! 98 more days!!!

Sunday- I love Sunday. There is nothing better than a lazy Sunday. Some days I want nothing else to do except lay in bed all Sunday and read. If I get up and go to church I love the feeling afterwards. Going to church always makes me feel so much better and relaxed. Nothing like talking to God and praying to make the day that much better.

Leave me a comment and I will give you a letter!


Kristen said...

I love your list!! You got an easy letter, too!!

Kristen said...

I love your list!! You got an easy letter, too!!

Anonymous said...

I am ready for a lazy sunday with some smooches...