Monday, January 26, 2009

What a way to start the week off............

I have been house sitting for my parents for a few days. So this morning I had to wake up earlier than normal since my parents live 20 minutes from my work. So I was actually running ahead of my schedule, so I decided to iron my pants instead of just throwing them in the dryer. Instead of the iron moving smoothly across my favorite black dress pants, the iron sticks to my pants. The iron completely ruined my pants by melting a huge iron pattern on the bottom of the leg. Did I mention these are my favorite black dress pants from Express?! They fit perfectly and I have to say make my butt look cute! Soby this point I'm mad and going to run late because I have to find something else to wear and it has to be something that doesn't need ironing. When I picked the iron off my burnt pants it started smoking and shooting sparks! At the same time the smoke alarm started BLARING! I started freaking out and unplug the iron and throw it into the kitchen sink. I pour cold water on it. The whole house has that burnt electrical smell. YUM!! So I was late to work this morning! What a wonderful way to start my week off! I swear only crazy things like this happen to me!!


Kristen said...

HAHAHA I'm sorry, I can just see all this happening, and it just sounds exactly like something that would happen to you!! :) LOL I'm sorry your pants are ruined!

Anonymous said...

Riciculously bad luck, Baby. Ridiculous...

The Locketts said...

This is definitely a "Sonya moment". Sorry your pants are messed up!! I HATE that because you REALLY wouldn't think simple black dress pants would be that hard to find, but they are! :( Bummer.