Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
2010 HATES me!
**Contains alot of complaining and whining!**I have been sick basically all of 2010! I got a sinus infection the first week in January. I took antibiotics for 5 days and felt better for a few days. Two days after I got off the antibiotics I got sick AGAIN and had to get a steroid shot, and stronger antibiotics that I had to take for 10 days. The day I stopped taking the antibiotics I went to the ER because I had bad pain under my right rib and was nauseous every time I ate or drank. I was severely dehydrated and it took them 3 tries before they could start an IV. They took blood and found out my white blood count was elevated. Normal is 10 or below and mine was 14. They gave me two different pain medicines, and of course I had an allergic reaction to them. So I started itching all over my face and neck. REAL GOOD TIME! I then had a sonogram, cat scan, and x-rays. The doctor couldn't really figure out what was going on, so they gave me morphine and sent me home after 12 hours. I got the stomach virus the next night and was in the bathroom for the next 12 hours. Have I mentioned that 2010 is not my year! I went to my GI doctor in Birmingham 2 days later. He did blood work and sent me to the hospital for a HIDI scan. It's a 2 and a half hour test that checks your gall bladder function. The test was AWFUL!! Not only did it make my stomach hurt, but it also made me nauseous. My test results came back two days later and my gall bladder function was 2.2 and 35 or above is normal. My doctor wanted to do an endoscopy 4 days later, to make sure I didnt have any ulcers. They also took a biopsy from my stomach. Everything came back normal, so my doctor scheduled a consultation with a surgeon for the next week. I went to the surgeon on Tuesday and he scheduled surgery to remove my gall bladder for Monday. I don't really remember much from after surgery except that I felt like I was going to throw up. I was so sick that my doctor decided to admit me into the hospital. I have never felt so sick in my life. I stayed in the hospital until the next day around lunch. I have had a really hard time since then. I haven't been able to keep food down. I finally got some medicine to make the nausea go away and I was able to keep baby food down. I try really hard to stay positive and not complain about my health issues, but lately its been very hard not to. The last few months have just been hard and frustrating. Enough complaining for now~! Please keep my in your thought and prayers!!
Present for baby brother
We survived 365 days of deployment!!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Kristen & Dave's Wedding
More fair pictures
Here are some more pictures of the fair!
Lily enjoying a ride.
This is right after I got of the scrabbler. I was not feeling well.
Lily and I riding the circus train. She wanted me to ride with her, but not in the same cart. So I look like the creepy old lady riding a little kids ride!!
Lily making one of her famous silly faces.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pure Joy
To say I am exhausted is an understatement!!! I haven't been sleeping very well and have been having awful nightmares. So I have been sleeping about 4 hours and waking up about 3 times. I have been trying to get everything ready before Sean comes home. I pretty much have everything for his apartment, except a few things that will go on sale the day after Thanksgiving. I also have been trying to find him a truck. He wants a Toyota Tacoma. We are looking to spend between 11,000 and 15,000. So if you see one for sale, please let me know! Sean should be home around December 15th. We will move him into his apartment the 18th and visit Illinois the weekend before Christmas. That's the plan as of right now. I will know for sure once they give him an exact date to leave. About 65 more days until he is home! Very exciting! I have also started studying for the Series 7( for about the 7th time). I plan on taking it before Sean gets home. So I have about 2 months to study and pass it.
Sean is good, very exhausted also. Anxious to come home and far away from Iraq! I will post pictures soon. I wanted to send them to Sean before I posted them, so he would have some pictures he hasn't seen yet. He is starting to pack all his stuff up to send home, so if you have a care package for him, please send it before October 23. I will update more on his return once I know some exact dates.
Sean is good, very exhausted also. Anxious to come home and far away from Iraq! I will post pictures soon. I wanted to send them to Sean before I posted them, so he would have some pictures he hasn't seen yet. He is starting to pack all his stuff up to send home, so if you have a care package for him, please send it before October 23. I will update more on his return once I know some exact dates.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Help Needed!!!!!!!
Sean will be home in about 3 months(YAY!) and I have started getting stuff for his apartment. For those of you who don't know, Sean will be living in Tennessee for 8 months and I will be in Montgomery, so we will need two apartments. I found him an AWESOME apartment right across the street from the base. It's 680 a month, but it's furnished and that amount includes cable, Internet, water, gas, and they contribute 25.00 towards the power bill. It also has a tennis court, basketball court, pool, tanning bed, media room, and volleyball court. Check it out here The main reason we are getting this apartment is because it's furnished. We really didn't want to spend money on furniture that will only be used for 8 months, and then having to move and store it once Sean moves in with me. I have started to get items for his apartment if I see a good sale. I have pretty much everything for his bedroom and bathroom. I still need alot of items for the kitchen and living room. So here is where I need help! I am going to make a list of things I still need and if you find them on sale, at a yard sale, or have some extra PLEASE PLEASE let me know!! The cheaper the better!!!
~Pots & Pans
~Baking sheets
~Cooking Utensils
~Glass bake wear
~Coffee Maker -black
~Crock Pot
~Toaster -black
~Big Kitchen Rug
~Big colorful area rug for the livingroom.
~Pots & Pans
~Baking sheets
~Cooking Utensils
~Glass bake wear
~Coffee Maker -black
~Crock Pot
~Toaster -black
~Big Kitchen Rug
~Big colorful area rug for the livingroom.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Pre-birthday dinner
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