Sunday, December 21, 2008

Can you say FRUSTRATED?!!

I went to the doctors at 8:00 am and told him how I had been feeling awful. So he told me I needed to have a procedure right then and sent me to outpatient surgery. I had to call my mom to meet me, because without her I couldn't get any anesthesia. WHICH I WANTED. So I go knocked out and woke up completely out of it. I guess I was talking non-stop and had told everyone about my Christmas party at work that was later on that night and all about Sean going to Iraq. Since I was out of it, my doctor talked to my mom. He said he didn't think I have Crohn's anymore, which is great, but now we are back at square one. So to say I was frustrated is an understatement. I have been told so many things and put on soooo many medicines, which haven't worked. He gave me 3 new ones to try, and hopefully that will work. So please say I little prayer for me and my doctors to figure whatever is wrong with my stomach out!

1 comment:

The Locketts said...

Tell your stomach that if it doesn't start to behave we're going to send it to Iraq. So there. That should do it...

:) No really..I hope your new meds work! Hope I get to see you this week! Merry Christmas!