Monday, August 04, 2008

ROID RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right I have roid RAGE! Not because steroids make me lose my temper or go crazy, but because they make me SICK. So I have alot of rage with the steroids! Really I feel like my doctor may hate me and is secretly trying to kill me! It's 2:15 a.m and I am still awake. I have been nauseous all weekend from the steroids. I feel sea sick without the boat or water! In the last few days I have probably thrown up at least 10 times. I can handle throwing up if it makes me feel better but it doesn't at all! The major issue is that once I throw up I just feel worse, my throat burns from all the medicine coming back up and then I still feel sick to my stomach. Nothing has helps! Within 30 minutes of eating, it's all coming back up again. I'm sure no one wants to listen to me complain and talk about throwing up, but there's nothing good on TV at 2 am! Not only am I getting sick, but my eye infections are back! You can't see any white in my eyes, just RED. Another wonderful side effect of Crohn's. I'm not running a fever, so that's a good sign. I'm just praying I'm not going to be making another trip to the hospital this week. Have I said yet how much I HATE being sick?! I try not to complain but I have had a really tough couple of days. I just hope the doctor lets me give off the steroids in the next few days or puts me on something that doesn't make me feel horrible! Say a little prayer for me that involves no steroids! :)

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